I think the other kids enjoyed it too. After eating dinner Cadence and Brandyn decided that it was time for a nap.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
For Thanksgiving we just stayed home and Mark came to visit us. My poor mom...I think I called her about a dozen times asking questions about cooking lol. I have decided that after having to cook a Thanksgiving dinner I do not like Thanksgiving! It is so much easier just to go to my moms and help here and there but not have to do the whole thing. The kids did make a banana pudding pie. They even cut up the bananas for it.

While I cooked the rest of the food Eric made the cookie turkeys that grandma sent all the stuff for. They turned out pretty cute.
Yes I know my husband is a huge dork lol. This was also Kasey's first Thanksgiving. I think she enjoyed it....

I think the other kids enjoyed it too. After eating dinner Cadence and Brandyn decided that it was time for a nap.
After her nap Cadence browsed the black Friday ads to see where she was headed to shop
But she decided she would be smart and send dad and grandpa out so she could actually sleep lol. So although I had to cook Thanksgiving by myself and stressed out about it the whole time I think it turned out pretty well and hopefully everyone else enjoyed it too!
I think the other kids enjoyed it too. After eating dinner Cadence and Brandyn decided that it was time for a nap.
Eric managed to get 2 tickets to the Cardinals vs Seahawks game
from his work and took Brandyn. As soon as Brandyn found out he got to go he was so excited. Even though the game didn't start till 2 the tailgating began at 11.
Brandyn had so much fun at the tailgate party that when it was time to go inside for the game he was mad and didn't want to leave. After the game started Brandyn found his 2 favorite parts of a football game......Food
and Cheerleaders
lol. He is a typical guy. By the end of the game he was one tired little guy
, but he had a great boys day with dad!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
So this year Halloween was a little different for us. Every year we would get together with my parents and carve pumpkins and for the last 4 years they would come trick or treating with us. This year we were left carving pumpkins and trick or treating with just us. And just as an fyi for grandma and grandpa Phil.....Cadence says you guys should have just came down to go trick or treating with us lol. Even though it was a little different it was still lots of fun. It was very nice not having to try and carve cold or frozen pumpkins lol. As well as not having to bundle up to go trick or treating, in fact it was so warm poor Kasey got super hot in her pumpkin costume lol. I was very surprised that neither of the kids really had a problem with cleaning out the pumpkins.

Kasey really didn't get it I don't think lol she was just so excited to be standing on the table.
For some reason Cadence was scared of the pumpkin even though it was a happy one lol
Brandyn said ''I'm not scared dad take a picture of me" lol
Cadence picked the smiley face and
Brandyn picked the 'pirate ship' as he called it.
Brandyn does not look happy lol.
So even though grandma and grandpa didnt go with us the kids still had a blast and got way to much candy!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Brandyn and Moose
On October 4th Cadence started preschool. She was so excited!
I was very surprised when we got there she went right in and started playing and had no tears when I left. She had so much fun that when I went to pick her up she cried because she didn't want to leave. And when the weekend came she was so upset that she had to stay home for 2 days lol. She has now been going for almost a month and still loves it. Every morning she gets up and is so excited to go to school and she also is still getting mad when its time to go. Most days the only way I can get her to leave with out crying is with a promise that she gets to come tomorrow lol.
Incredible Pizza Factory
Monday, October 11, 2010
So once again I have been a huge slacker sorry. Any way while we were in Utah my parents and aunt Becky decided that they wanted to take the kids camping and holy cow were the kids excited! And to go along with the whole camping trip Brandyn got a new cars sleeping bag and Cadence got a princess sleeping bag. We went to Berston Ponds (sp?) down near Mona. It was really pretty. They got a spot right near the water so the kids could fish and them and the dogs could play in the water
(which we couldn't keep Moose Bear or Annie out of lol). Because they were only camping for one night they had a lot of things to do...they fished

for both fish and
played in the dirt,
played in the water,
fed the ducks,
went for a walk,
had a campfire, and
made smores! They were so wore out when it was time to leave! But I know that they had a blast and keep asking when they get to go camping with grandma and grandpa again.
Marrying Uncle Ryan!
So my little brother Ryan's homecoming happened to fall on Cadence's birthday this year and because he didn't want to miss out on any of Cadence's birthday he decided to take her as his date. Cadence was so excited and kept telling everyone she was going to marry her uncle Ryan. She also made her daddy buy her a new pretty dress and of course shoes and crown to match lol. We had her aunt Kayla do her hair for her
and so Kasey and Brandyn didn't feel left out uncle Ryan decided to do their hair too
lol. After her hair was done she put on her dress and jewelry and went to wait for her date to pick her up. 

She looked soooo pretty and she was so excited!! Once her "handsome prince" as she kept calling him, got back they exchanged corsage and boutonniere
after many attempts we finally got Ryan's on then it was time for pictures...

Ryan's friend Sara was such a great sport about the whole thing and Cadence loved her so much. We decided that only in Utah would someone be able to bring 2 dates to a dance lol.Then they went to the dance! They only ended up staying for about 20 minutes because Cadence got scared but she had a blast! Even though they didn't stay long Cadence still keeps talking about it. She was so excited she got to be uncle Ryan's first wife.
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