Sunday, May 23, 2010
I can do it myself mom...
Cadence is getting so big. She is fully potty trained and hasn't had any accidents in a very long time. She is also a great helper when it comes to cleaning her room and helping fold laundry and stuff like that. Her new thing now is dressing her self. Oh yeah and picking out her own clothes. So when looking at pictures that you see on our facebook or ones that you get in emails pay close attention to her clothes because some days they are normal and look fine and other days Eric comes home and asks "what are you wearing?" followed by "you look so pretty in that outfit" lol.
I think that there are a lot more bugs down here, which I am not a fan of. But the kids are at that age where bugs are interesting to them especially Brandyn. The kids love to look for bugs.
Last week the kids found a few lady bugs and Cadence got brave and decided to hold one.
After holding this particular lady bug she became kind of attached to it. Well when Brandyn sees a bug he likes to look at it for a few seconds then smash it. Sooo imagine what happened to Cadence's new lady bug friend.....She set it on the ground to let it crawl around and someone (I'm not going to name any names) came up and smashed it. When this happens she bawled. I felt so bad she finally got up enough courage to actually hold a bug and then it gets smashed. Luckily after a few minutes and suggesting she ride her bike she was fine. I am trying to get Brandyn out of the habit of smashing bugs when he sees them so one day he doesn't try and step on a bug that is dangerous.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
They are leaking!!
On mothers day this year we went to the White Tank Mountain Regional Park to go hiking.
It was really nice. The trail we went on was very stroller friendly. Half was paved and the other half was dirt. It is a mile up to a waterfall
(only flowing after a rain storm) and a mile back. On the trail there were signs telling you what kind of animals and bugs you may see as well as the many types of cactus. They also had petroglyphs which were pretty cool.
Cadence and Brandyn did really well on the way up. They both walked the whole way. And even stayed on the trail. Once we got to the top there were some rocks the kids could climb on (which the kids loved).
Once they were done climbing we headed back to the car. On the way back the kids did really well until Cadence decided to run. Well being a lot like me she tripped. If she would have been playing baseball at the time it would have been an awesome slide into home plate, however she wasn't playing baseball. When she got up off the ground she was bawling. We picked her up, brushed her clothes off and washed off her hands and knees with some water. Both of her knees were scraped up,
and everything was fine until she looked down at them. Once she saw the blood I think that it scared her and she started crying again. Once she stopped crying we continued our journey back to the car. Maybe 2 minutes after we started walking again Cadence stopped and yelled "They are leaking!" When I asked what she was talking about she said "My legs they are leaking." Once we assured her that she was OK we were able to continue to the car. Every few minutes Cadence had to keep stopping to check and see if her legs were still leaking.
But other than that it was a great hike and we all had a blast. And saw some really pretty views.

Ice Cream Man!!
I dont know when the last time I saw the ice cream man around somewhere I lived in Utah, but here they are driving around every few days. The kids thought that it was so cool that there is a van that brings fun shaped ice cream treats to your house. This time Cadence got a spider man ice cream.
Brandyn got a spongebob ice cream.
And the kids' friend Shane got a Dora one.
Since they got their ice cream from the ice cream man every time we go outside now no matter what time it is they always ask if the ice cream man is coming now lol.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Making Brownies!
Sunday while Eric was at work we decided to make brownies! Cadence and Brandyn love to bake! Im not very good at the whole baking thing so our brownie mix came from a box but they still loved it. 
Instead of having them take turns mixing they each just got their own thing to stir with. This made it so there was a lot less fighting. Once they were done mixing the batter they got to lick their whisk. 
And I think that they both enjoyed it! But man what a mess!!
Once they both got their wipe downs we put the brownies in the oven to bake.
They sat at the oven the whole 20ish minutes that it took to bake. Oh yeah and about every 2 minutes they were asking if they were done yet. Once the timer went off they were both so excited. So we pulled them out of the oven and made sure they were done.
I felt so bad when they were done and they had to wait for them to cool down before they could eat them because they had sat so patiently and watched them in the oven.
Once the brownies were cool the kids were so excited to eat them especially because they had made them. They were so proud once Eric came home and at some with them too!
Playing Ball
So we bought the kids a t-ball set and some very very cheap gloves from the store. Once we got them home we broke them out and tried to play.
Cadence and Brandyn weren't sure exactly what to do so Eric had to show them lol
Wow look at those faces he is making haha. By the end of playing outside Brandyn had lost interest and Cadence was doing very well at hitting the ball. They love to play outside!
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