Sunday, June 20, 2010
Father's Day weekend!!!!!
Eric was really lucky at got Fathers day weekend off. So he got the whole weekend to decide what we were going to do. On Saturday he picked swimming:
, quadcross
, mud bogging
(no its not ours but they were so much fun to watch), and a late night dinner at Village Inn. On Sunday he picked hanging out at the pool all day
and working on our tans
but at the end of the weekend my legs are still as white as can be and Eric's back turned out like this:
it looks much redder in person than it does in the picture. But I know that the kids and I had a blast and we really hope that Eric had a great Fathers day weekend with us! We are so glad to have him and couldn't ask for a better husband and daddy! Thanks for everything you do for us babe!
Rainy Day!
So last Saturday it rained here in Surprise but it was still 75 degrees outside. So the kids and I decided that we weren't gonna let a little rain stop us from going outside. I think that this was the first time that the kids have really played outside in the rain and they had a blast! By the time we went inside Brandyn looked like I had thrown him in a pool. 

Sittin up!
Play Ball!
So last Sunday Eric was the top seller at his work (good job babe!), so his boss gave him tickets to the D-backs game. The game just wasnt as cool as both Eric and I remembered from when we were little lol. We got the kids sundaes in baseball helmets and once those were gone we pretty much left due to all of us being bored. But we did take a few pics while we were there:

Sunday, June 6, 2010
So on our way home from Utah we stopped in Vegas (Begas as Cadence calls it) for lunch and to go to the M&M store. First thing we did was went to see the lions at the MGM.
Brandyn really liked them. In fact he didn't want to leave and threw a fit when we did leave. Then we decided to get lunch. We ate at the Rainforest Cafe. The last time we were there both Cadence and Brandyn were scared. And the time before that Brandyn loved it and Cadence was scared. This time Brandyn was scared and Cadence loved it. I think part of the problem was that Brandyn was very tired. he had to sit on Eric's lap until we got our food.
After eating we decided to go to the M&M store. On the way there we say Iron Man. Both kiddos were so excited but neither wanted to go see him. When we got to the M&M store the yellow M&M was out. We tried to get Cadence and Brandyn to go say hi to him but for some reason they hate characters. Once we got inside we got Cadence to stand by the green M&M for a picture. Brandyn really didn't want to but Eric held him so he wasn't so scared.
Once we took a couple pictures we went upstairs. Brandyn loved the racecar.
He is in a few other people's pictures cause he wanted to stay and see the car lol. After looking at the racecar we went downstairs to let the kids get some M&Ms. Cadence was so excited because they had pink M&Ms. Once both kids picked what they wanted we paid for their stuff and left. We decided that it was getting late so we went back to the car so we could start heading home. We planned on stopping at the Hoover Dam on the way home but all 3 kids fell asleep before we got there. So we just took a few pictures as we drove past.
He is in a few other people's pictures cause he wanted to stay and see the car lol. After looking at the racecar we went downstairs to let the kids get some M&Ms. Cadence was so excited because they had pink M&Ms. Once both kids picked what they wanted we paid for their stuff and left. We decided that it was getting late so we went back to the car so we could start heading home. We planned on stopping at the Hoover Dam on the way home but all 3 kids fell asleep before we got there. So we just took a few pictures as we drove past.
So we found out that for Memorial day Eric got a 3 day weekend (Mon,Tue,Wed). So we decide to make a super fast trip up to Utah before Eric starts school and cant miss any school with out fear of failing. So Sunday the kids and I packed our bags and got everything ready. Once Eric got home we put our bags in the car and headed out. We decided to drive half way and stay in Mesquite. The kids did awesome on the way to Mesquite. They slept most of the way and we only had to stop once for a potty trip. Once we got into our hotel room the kids were so excited that they didn't want to go to sleep. We had 2 full beds and I think Eric is the only one that used them. Me and the kids ended up sleeping on the floor lol. Once we got up and ready we stopped at the gas station and grabbed some breakfast bars and headed out. We stopped in Beaver and ate lunch and headed back out again. Finally we made it to Riverton around 4. Ps the time change from Az to Ut sucked. We had a bbq at my moms and Sean, Becky, and Teresa, Dallas and Kayla and Ryan all came. The kids loved playing outside in the grass (you don't realize how much you like something till you don't have it all the time).

We also go to meet my parents new puppy Bear.
He is a super cute puppy, I think Eric would have taken him home with us if my parents would have let him. Once everyone left we all got in our pjs and decided to watch UP! together. The kids were so excited to watch a movie at grandma and grandpas house. Brandyn had to lay in grandpas chair with him.
So cute. Once the movie was over we decided to go to bed. we had made the kids a fun bed on the floor but the kids wanted to sleep in the bed. so Eric and i decided to let them stay on the bed until they fell asleep and then move them. Well that plan didn't work out so well. Eric and I fell asleep before them sooo once again I ended up on the floor lol. Once we got up and ready we met Mark for brunch. After brunch we went to the mall for a bit. Cadence got some new shoes (Sketchers-she has been bugging us to get her some because she saw them on tv) we tried to get Brandyn some but all he wanted was a spiderman back pack. My mom got half the day off and offered to watch the kids while Eric and I went to a movie. (Thanks mom!) It was nice being able to get out just the 2 of us especially because who knows how long before it happens again. After the movie we went to dinner at Red Robin in the District with my parents and Mark. Before Mark got there the kids were throwing coins into the fountain. Once all the coins ran out Grandpa taught the kids that they could reach in and get coins from the water to throw back in.
They loved it. After eating dinner we left for Mesquite again that way we could break up the drive for the kids and we could stop and play in Vegas for a bit. Even though our trip was super fast we had a great time! Hopefully next time we go up we can stay longer and visit more than just family.
Johnny Rockets
So we were walking around the mall around dinner time and decided to eat somewhere there. The kids picked Johnny Rockets. This was a new experience for all of us. It is set up like an old 50s diner. Both of the kids got fun paper hats along with the normal kids menu and coloring crayons.
Cadence was so excited because she could get her favorite food a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Brandyn got mini hot dogs.
Which if you cant tell from the pictures he enjoyed them lol.
Sick day
So on 5/24 all 3 kiddos woke up super grumpy. A few days before they all had super runny noses. So I am pretty sure all of them weren't feeling so well. Cadence asked if we could make her a bed on the couch so she could watch cartoons which she does a lot so it wasn't a big deal.
But Brandyn wanted to lay down too. Now if you know Brandyn even just a little then you know that this is not a normal thing for him. He is constantly going and never ever will just lay on the couch. Sure enough he laid down once his bed was made.
Once all 3 kiddos took naps they were ready to play. Thank goodness them being sick didn't last long!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Arizona Mills Mall
So on the 19th of May (sorry I'm slow) we went to visit the Arizona sealife aquarium. Which is located in the Arizona Mills Mall.
we heard about it from parents magazine so we thought it would be cool. And from how much it cost to get it we figured it would be pretty awesome. It was pretty cool but not at all worth the money we paid to get in. The kids really enjoyed it though. Here are some pictures from it:

After we were done at the aquarium we decide to walk around the mall. while walking around we found out that there is a Rainforest Cafe in side of it. The kids enjoyed looking in the gift shop. So we decided we should eat there. Well neither of the kids would go inside to eat because they were scared lol. But we did manage to get them to sit with the frog for a picture
This mall also has a carousel so of course the kids had to ride it lol
After the ride we decided to head home.
We had a great time being able to hang out together as a family!
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