So if you haven't heard already we moved to Surprise Arizona! We both wanted something new and Eric is going to MMI (Motorcycle Mechanic Institute). We got into a 4 bedroom 2 1/2 bathroom house that is super cute.

It is amazing how different things are here from Utah. But I think that its a good different.Eric has found a job that he really likes. He is a service adviser for a full service auto shop. And I am staying home with the kids.
We got the kids pictures taken and they turned out super cute! Especially because Cadence and Brandyn were being so shy. Parts of the picture are dark because the picture was to big to big to fit in our scanner.
We also went to an Easter egg hunt here through the city and the kids had a blast! The Easter Bunny and his wife were there but neither of the kids would go see them.
I think that all of us are really enjoying it here. I think the kids like it here because we can play outside everyday and there are 2 parks within Brandyn's walking distance that we visit at least once a day. Because we have been outside so much Cadence has learned how to ride her bike. She still has her training wheels on but now that she understands the concept of pedaling her bike I don't think that it will be long before she wants to ride a 2 wheeler.
With it being so nice outside we also had a chance to visit the Wildlife World Zoo. It was pretty cool. At the zoo you are able to feed the giraffes but neither of the kids wanted to in fact they were both scared lol. We were also able to get in touching distance of many of the animals including the white tigers.
So that has been pretty much how our life has gone since we have been down here thus far. We will keep you updated on whats going on down here in AZ :)
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